AxisCare Updates to Assessment Form

AxisCare Updates to Assessment Form

We will be installing some updates to the 2nd Family Assessment form in Axiscare over the coming days. The changes are as follows:

1) We will be installing another tab on the assessment form which asks the RN to list the total time spent crafting the care plan, including ancillary work such as research, communication with other parties involved in care, etc. The RN completing the assessment will then digitally sign the assessment as it is being saved. The "total time spent" fields will assist you in better tracking the time an RN spends on a care plan, and when allowed, will provide documentation for third-party payer reimbursement for off-site hours worked.

2) The signature with initiate a workflow in Axiscare which will auto-lock the assessment to prevent unintended edits from being made, as well as to prevent "note bleed" where assessment notes are overwritten accidentally. The "locked" assessment can be unlocked, if necessary, but will now be "locked" by default once the RN has saved and signed the 2nd Family Assessment form.

When it comes time to sign the assessment, follow the steps shown in the image below, in order. Before signing, save the assessment by clicking the blue "SAVE" button. After you've saved the assessment, navigate to the "Signature" tab of the assessment. Next, click the "Sign" button in the top-right corner. This will unlock the signature field below and allow you to sign where indicated.

Please reach out if you have any questions. These updates should be installed by the end of the week.